
Friday, December 28, 2007

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing has quickly become one of the most popular and the most effective ways to advertise on the Internet. The premise of affiliate marketing is very simple.

A company, let’s say eBay, goes to another web site and asks them to place a banner or link to eBay on their site. Every time a user clicks on that eBay banner and visits the site, the owner of the original site gets a commission. It’s as simple as that.

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The history of affiliate marketing goes back to approximately 1994 with the trailblazing music website They were, as far as most people know, the first site to pay other sites for directing Internet traffic to them. Internet giant soon caught on and became the site most associated with affiliate marketing. Today, the practice of affiliate marketing is used by essentially every major web site in the world.

Affiliate money Click Here

Why affiliate marketing? One of the reasons that affiliate marketing has proven to be so popular is that it is completely based on performance. In most cases, the company doing the advertising doesn’t pay a single penny to the site that is carrying their ad unless there is evidence that Internet traffic has been driven to the advertising site. There are, however, other ways of doing affiliate marketing.

Some advertising sites have paid the site hosting their link based not on the number of times an original IP visits through the link, but on the number of times the banner ad was “seen.” This method presents a whole host of problems since things like hit counts can be forged and there is no way to insure that just because someone visited a web page that had your logo on it that they even saw it or if they did, that they even knew what it was.

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Other methods of affiliate marketing include paying only when a link is followed AND some kind of transaction takes place. This can be tough on the site hosting the link because the attention span of the average Internet user isn’t long enough in most cases to follow a link and then either complete a purchase, or fill out a form of some kind. The conventional method simply pays a host a commission for every time an original IP is directed to their site.

In a matter of only a few years, affiliate marketing has become one of the most cost effective ways to drive traffic to a site. Since, in most cases, both the advertiser and the host profit from the set up, there is no reason to believe that affiliate marketing won’t be a dominant advertising method well into the future.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

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Most experienced web users are familiar with affiliate marketing and how it works. You provide a link on your website and when someone follows it and buys a product, you get a piece of the profit. It’s easy. But there is a new way to make some serious bucks when it comes to affiliate marketing.

It’s called two-tier affiliate marketing. Don’t let the complicated name fool you. It’s just as easy to make money from two-tiered marketing as it is from the traditional style.

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The way two-tier affiliate marketing works is that not only do you make a buck or two when someone follows a link from your site and then buys a product or service, but you also make a buck whenever someone follows the link from your site and then signs up to become an affiliate marketer just like you! It’s like getting double the profits for no extra work!

And the best part? It’s the gift that keeps on giving. Every time that new affiliate marketer makes a sale of a product or service, you continue to make a few extra bucks. Not only that, but when they get someone to sign up for affiliate marketing, you get a piece of their profits too! It may sound too good to be true, but it isn’t. If you can get a whole host of people to sign up for affiliate marketing through you, you continue to make money off of their sales as long as they are in the program.

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And don’t worry about any legality problems. You’re selling legitimate products and services so anyone that suggests that what you’re doing is multi-level marketing is dead wrong. The set up may be somewhat similar, but it is completely legitimate and you are rewarded on how good of a job you do signing people up, exactly like a real job. You only make what you earn!

And the best part of it all is there is no limit on how much money you can make. If you are a wiz at getting people to sign up for affiliate marketing through your site, the amount of commission you could be chalking up is staggering. Two-tier affiliate sites might just be the best and easiest way for you to run a business from home that is profitable and has almost no hassle. So, what are you waiting for? Join up today and start collecting commission now!

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Monday, December 24, 2007

What are Two-tier affiliate sites?

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Most experienced web users are familiar with affiliate marketing and how it works. You provide a link on your website and when someone follows it and buys a product, you get a piece of the profit. It’s easy. But there is a new way to make some serious bucks when it comes to affiliate marketing.

It’s called two-tier affiliate marketing. Don’t let the complicated name fool you. It’s just as easy to make money from two-tiered marketing as it is from the traditional style

Making you rich Click Here

The way two-tier affiliate marketing works is that not only do you make a buck or two when someone follows a link from your site and then buys a product or service, but you also make a buck whenever someone follows the link from your site and then signs up to become an affiliate marketer just like you! It’s like getting double the profits for no extra work!

And the best part? It’s the gift that keeps on giving. Every time that new affiliate marketer makes a sale of a product or service, you continue to make a few extra bucks. Not only that, but when they get someone to sign up for affiliate marketing, you get a piece of their profits too! It may sound too good to be true, but it isn’t. If you can get a whole host of people to sign up for affiliate marketing through you, you continue to make money off of their sales as long as they are in the program.

Making you rich Click Here

And don’t worry about any legality problems. You’re selling legitimate products and services so anyone that suggests that what you’re doing is multi-level marketing is dead wrong. The set up may be somewhat similar, but it is completely legitimate and you are rewarded on how good of a job you do signing people up, exactly like a real job. You only make what you earn!

And the best part of it all is there is no limit on how much money you can make. If you are a wiz at getting people to sign up for affiliate marketing through your site, the amount of commission you could be chalking up is staggering. Two-tier affiliate sites might just be the best and easiest way for you to run a business from home that is profitable and has almost no hassle. So, what are you waiting for? Join up today and start collecting commission now!

Making you rich Click Here

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Using articles to make money

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Looking through the universe of online affiliate marketing, you’ll notice that most sites fall into two categories.Click Here There are sites that simply have a list of links to other sites that sell products. You’ll notice that these sties come up often in web searches on Google or Yahoo, but they don’t seem very useful since all they have is other links and no actual content of their own.Click Here

The other kind of affiliate site is the kind that you want.Click Here It is a site that has all the same links that the others do, but it also has content. Now, what does “content” mean, anyway? Content is simply an internet term that means articles or information on a web page.Click Here Why do affiliate sites that use content work better than those that don’t? It’s simple.Click Here

If you click on a site, say, a site about growing roses, which would you rather find? A list of links that you have no idea if they are any good or not or if they even link to a reputable company? Or an informative, well-written article about growing roses that has a link at the bottom for a company that, while you still don’t know if they are trustworthy or not, the person who wrote this content thinks so and they sure sound like they know what they are talking about. Which one do you think does better sales every month? Exactly.Click Here The site that uses articles.

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This is the number one reason why you should be knowledgeable about the products you wish to sell. It will be a million times easier to write content that sounds like it was written by an expert if you know your way around your product. If a web surfer stumbles upon your site,Click Here finds your articles well-written, informative and fun and then sees a link to buy a product related to the article, your chances of making money off of that customer go up 100 times. Click HereThe big secret to affiliate marketing isn’t a magic formula or miracle catchphrase. It’s well-written content. Click Here

There are even companies out there that will write content for you, for a small fee.Click Here It may seem like a silly thing to invest in on the surface, but once you see the hard numbers that show how much better affiliate sites do with content then without, you’ll be on board in no time flat.Click Here

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Saturday, December 22, 2007

Treat Your Affiliate Marketing Site Like A Business

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the single greatest part of affiliate marketing is that is can make you as much money as a real online businessClick Here that sells a product or service without all the hassle that comes with inventory, shipping and returns. But that profit only comes with proper planning and care.Click Here

Let’s take a look at a few things you need to do to make sure that your affiliate marketing venture is worthwhile and done the right way.Click Here

• Do you research first. If you were considering starting a business in the real world, you wouldn’t just go rent out a piece of property, get the permits and open your business the next week.Click Here You would learn everything there is to know about the business you chose and you would try to make your business as successful as possible. While you may not need the same level of dedication with your affiliate marketing site, you should have a good idea of what you want you site to sell, what product you want to sell and where you are going to get your content from before you start.Click Here Are you a good enough content writer to have 15 different programs on your site, or do you only have strong feelings for two or three products and you want to stick to them? You need to give your affiliate marketing program a real chance to work so once you pick a style and theme, stick to it for a while to see if it makes you money or not.Click Here

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• Learn the basics. You don’t have to be an expert web designer or web content writer to make money off of your affiliate marketing site, but it sure helps.Click Here Luckily, there are a slew of fantastic low-cost programs out there that can walk you through web site creation step by step so that even if you don’t know HTML from Java, you can have a great looking website.Click Here The same goes for web content. Your content needs to be informative, fun and interesting AND it needs to sell your product all at the same time. Click HereIt sounds complicated but it really isn’t. You can head to your local library or bookstore to find books on how to write web content or you can simply read other affiliate marketing sites to get some pointers.Click Here If shoppers aren’t captivated by your site, they won’t use it. Plain and simple.

While it can be tempting to just throw up a quick, basic website with little to no content so you can start making money right away, the experienced affiliate marketer knows better.Click Here Take the time and do it right and you’ll see the results in your bank account.

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

The biggest mistakes affiliates make

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For those that are new to affiliate marketing, the whole thing can seem too good to be true. A real business from home that make you more then enough money to live on and you don’t even have to bother with products or shipping.Click Here Many new affiliate marketers simply jump into the business without properly researching it first and end up frustrated and angry that they aren’t making big time money within the first few days.Click Here Here is a quickie guide to common mistakes that affiliate marketers make and how you can avoid them.

• Patience is the key. For even the best affiliate marketers, it takes time to build a customer base. The people that are legitimately making $10,000 a month in affiliate marketing spent years getting to that level, not days or even months.Click Here For some that are new to the trade, it seems like that level of success is an overnight thing, but it isn’t. Once you pick an affiliate program, after researching it ahead of time, of course, you need to stick with it.Click Here You should change your content on a regular basis, update your site weekly, add in some holiday-themed pages and make sure you stay up to date on product information from your parent company, but the most important thing to do is to simply stay the course. If you jump ship after a month, the chances of your affiliate marketing site taking off are slim to none.Click Here

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• The second big problem that many affiliate marketers fall prey to is subscribing to too many programs at once. By doing this, it makes it very hard to provide top-level page design and content relating to all of these programs at once. Click HereYou should only subscribe to two or three programs at once. This will allow you to give these programs your laser-like focus so you can turn them into money makers sooner rather than later.Click Here Patience is, again, very important. It may seem like the best way to go is to load up your site with two dozen affiliate marketing sites but there is little chance that will make you any money. If your site is focused, you’ll be in much better shape.Click Here

The vast majority of mistakes that new affiliate marketers make are ones out of inexperience.Click Here They want to make as much money as possible as quickly as possible. What they don’t realize is slow and steady wins the race. Dedication, hard work and focus are the best friends of affiliate marketers.Click Here

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

your affiliate program

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this is your first time running an affiliate program website, it can be a bit confusing.Click Here Is your site designed the right way to attract the right customers? Is my web content good enough? Am I using search engine keywords the right way? It can be a lot to handle if you’re new to affiliate marketing.Click Here

One thing that you can do to help yourself master each and every affiliate program is to simply talk to the company that you’re linking to.Click Here It sounds simple, but most affiliate marketers just set up a site, toss in some content and links and forget about it. They don’t go that extra mile that can mean the difference between selling a few units and selling a bundle. Here are a few tips for helping to boost sales on your affiliate marketing website.Click Here

• Before you go to your seller, set up your site for a month or two and record the traffic and sales you are able to do. That way, when you go to the parent company, you can say, see, this was what I was doing, and these are the sales I got.Click Here No one knows the product you’re trying to sell better then the company that sells it. Use this knowledge to your advantage. Maybe the company you link to just finished an internal study that shows that people are especially fond of a particular benefit of the product your selling that you don’t even know about! If you write your content around this benefit, you might see your sales double or even triple. Click Here

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• By talking to the parent company, you’re sending a clear signal that you are taking this affiliate program seriously.Click Here And trust me, the people in charge will take note. Recent affiliate marketing studies have shown that over 90 percent of all affiliate sales come from only 5 percent of affiliate websites. Click HereIf you can end up in that group, you’ll be making money faster then you ever thought possible.

• By keeping in contact with the parent company, you can stay up to date with any sort of product changes, price changes, shipping rule changes or any other information that might impact in content of your affiliate website.Click Here Nothing will anger a customer more than a promotion on your website saying that if a customer clicks here, they will receive free shipping, only to have it not be true. By staying connected to the parent company, you’ll always have the most up-to-date promotion info.Click Here

The benefits of befriending the parent company of your affiliate programs is vital to running a good business.Click Here You owe it to your customers, as well as yourself, to have the latest, most accurate information on your site at all times. Respect your customer base and they will reward you with loyalty that will pay off big.Click Here

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Search engine basics

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the single most important part of running an affiliate website is understanding how people find your site and how to make your site stick out among the billion or so other sites on the Internet.Click Here

If you’ve been using the Internet for more than an hour or two, chances are you know what a search engine is. Websites like Google, Yahoo and Ask.comClick Here have developed into multi-billion dollar corporations in the last ten years.

Using search engines is extremely simple. You just go to the site, type in what you want to find and click enter.Click Here But how can you make sure that your site will be found? As it turns out, it’s all about the keywords.

When a site like Google or Yahoo searches the Internet to come up with results from a web query, it takes the number of keywords on a site into consideration. Click HereIt also takes particular keywords or phrases into account, too. If someone is doing a search for “Book about Rolling Stones,”Click Here a site that has that phrase or a phrase similar to it 10 times is going to come up higher than a site that only mentions it once. That’s why its so important to incorporate keyword text into your web content so that when someone does a search for, say, “Oolong Tea from China”Click Here and that just happens to be what your site sells, your site comes up high on the list, not buried on the bottom.

The trick is to incorporate these keywords or keyword phrases into your web content, and still have your content make sense. This is a super-tricky obstacle to get around. Click HereThe best advice I can give is to simply read around and see what other affiliate marketing sites have done. Remember, your content is a huge part of your site. If people don’t stay on your site for a minute or two reading your content, they will never,Click Here ever click on any links you have and buy any products you’re selling. You must find the balance between a heavy use of keywords and well-written text.

Knowing how to use search engines is a big part of affiliate marketing. You can have the best content, the most timely links and the best productClick Here in the world and you won’t do a lick of business unless people can find you. Learning the art of incorporating keyword text into your affiliate website may seem tough,Click Here but it’s the difference between making a few bucks here and there and making it big in affiliate marketing.

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Monday, December 17, 2007

Perils of affiliate marketing

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While there is serious money to be made in the world of affiliate marketing, it should not be entered into willy-nilly.Click Here Just like any other business venture, the proper research should be done so that you know ahead of time how much money, time and effort you can expect to spend before you see a profit.Click Here Here is a short list of expectations that people sometimes have wrong about affiliate marketing.

• Just like a good highway, you have got to have traffic. You can be selling the best product in the world,Click Here have an attractive website design and have the best content on the Internet and if no one can find your site, you aren’t going to make any money. What to do? You can buy advertising to drive traffic to your site,Click Here but that costs money, usually more money then you are taking in. It’s a very fine line to walk; a tightrope that most people fall off of into debt. It is going to take time and experience to learn the proper formula, and you should expect some debt until you figure out the right combination.Click Here

• Remember, if you follow the same tips as everyone else, chances are the market is already saturated with sites using the same techniques. This may be the toughest part of affiliate marketing. Trying to figure out exactly the right technique to attract customers to your site and away from 100 other affiliate marketing sites that are selling essentially the same thing.Click Here The only real way to handle this is to stick to the basics. Believe in the product you sell, design an attractive site to sell it and write good content to keep people on your site and clicking on the links on your site.Click Here If you are patient, this formula, more often then not, will work, but it will take some time.

• Updates, updates updates. Many new affiliate marketers think that all you need is that first shiny, new webpage with original content and then you just leave the page be for the next six months and watch the money roll in. It just doesn’t work that way.Click Here You have to be ready to add new content to your page every two weeks at the most. Change the theme on your page to show visitors that you’re updating constantly. Click HereIf you are coming up on Easter or Thanksgiving, change your site to show this. It’s reassuring to web surfers that they are visiting a page run by someone who is paying attention.

The road towards affiliate marketing success is full of potholes. But it can be navigated with patience and hard work. You may not strike gold right away,Click Here but keep digging, the shiny nugget is right around the corner.

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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Perils of affiliate marketing

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While there is serious money to be made in the world of affiliate marketing, it should not be entered into willy-nilly. Just like any other business venture, the proper research should be done so that you know ahead of time how much money, time and effort you can expect to spend before you see a profit.Click Here Here is a short list of expectations that people sometimes have wrong about affiliate marketing.

• Just like a good highway, you have got to have traffic. You can be selling the best product in the world, have an attractive website design and have the best content on the Internet and if no one can find your site, you aren’t going to make any money. What to do? You can buy advertising to drive traffic to your site,Click Here but that costs money, usually more money then you are taking in. It’s a very fine line to walk; a tightrope that most people fall off of into debt. It is going to take time and experience to learn the proper formula, and you should expect some debt until you figure out the right combination.

• Remember, if you follow the same tips as everyone else, chances are the market is already saturated with sites using the same techniques. This may be the toughest part of affiliate marketing. Trying to figure out exactly the right technique to attract customers to your site and away from 100 other affiliate marketing sites that are selling essentially the same thing. The only real way to handle this is to stick to the basics. Believe in the product you sell,Click Here design an attractive site to sell it and write good content to keep people on your site and clicking on the links on your site. If you are patient, this formula, more often then not, will work, but it will take some time.

• Updates, updates updates. Many new affiliate marketers think that all you need is that first shiny, new webpage with original content and then you just leave the page be for the next six months and watch the money roll in. It just doesn’t work that way. You have to be ready to add new content to your page every two weeks at the most. Change the theme on your page to show visitors that you’re updating constantly. If you are coming up on Easter or Thanksgiving, change your site to show this. It’s reassuring to web surfers that they are visiting a page run by someone who is paying attention.Click Here

The road towards affiliate marketing success is full of potholes. But it can be navigated with patience and hard work. You may not strike gold right away, but keep digging, the shiny nugget is right around the cornerClick Here

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Friday, December 14, 2007

affiliate mistakes

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the last few years, affiliate marketing has exploded on the Internet. In pretty much every web search that is done during every second of the day on the Internet, people are steered towards affiliate marketing sites. Some work, some don’t and some are gone before they even have a chance to get going. Let’s go over a few common mistakes affiliate marketers make when setting up and running their site.

• Make sure you completely understand the affiliate program you’re signing up for. It can be really tough to turn down that one program that brags about the huge commission, but if the program is selling car parts and you don’t even drive, you might want to pass it up. If you know a lot about sports or pets or horses, try to find an affiliate marketing program geared towards your area of expertise. You might not become a millionaire overnight, but in the long run, you’ll make a LOT more money that way, and you’ll enjoy the affiliate marketing experience a lot more, too.

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• If you have the option on your site for folks to sign up for emails, make sure the ones you send out are informative and fun and not spam. Yes, you want to make sure you get the links of the product you’re selling in the email, but you have to take the time to set it up so it doesn’t look like spam or people will get annoyed with your site, opt out of your emails and never visit your site again. It’s the difference between taking a bit of extra effort and not. If you’re willing to go the extra mile, you’ll see the reward in your sales.

• Try to write your own content. It’s not unheard of for a person to visit 4-5 different affiliate marketing websites and see the exact same content on all of them. The site creators simply used the same public domain copy and didn’t even bother to change it up at all. Don’t let this happen to you. The only way your site will stand out among all the garbage is to make sure your content is completely unique.

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Making mistakes when you start a new business are common. It’s going to happen, so don’t panic when it does. But with a little research, and a bit of common sense, you can avoid most of the mistakes that plague the laziest of the affiliate website creators.

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Marketing in niche markets

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The great things about the Internet is how it works as a complete reference. The encyclopedia, the dictionary, the White and Yellow pages and even maps have all become antiquated with the invention of the Internet. How can this help you, the new affiliate marketer? It’s easy. The big money in affiliate marketing is found in niche marketing.

Before we get into it, what exactly is niche marketing? Niche marketing is marketing to a particular group instead of the public at large. Now, on the surface, this sounds a bit strange. Don’t you want EVERYONE to buy from your website? Of course you do, but making a site that appeals to everyone and writing web content to sell your product that appeals to everyone is impossible. That’s where niche marketing comes in. You pick a product, say, Hickory Farms meats and cheeses and you do your best to market these products. When you take on a niche product, you have to ask yourself a series of questions.

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• Who is going to buy my product? Well, if you’re selling Hickory Farms products, chances are you won’t be selling to many teenagers. Your market is going to skew older, so you want to write copy that is going to appeal to an older audience. Hold off on the slang, the off-color jokes and the pop-culture references.

• What benefits does my product have? In this case, Hickory Farms is a company that has been making quality products for generations. You can play up the history aspect, you can play up the quality aspect. You can even play up the holidays aspect, since they are a company that always seemed to peak during the holidays. Every product out there, every single one, has a list of benefits you can highlight. Make sure you know them and make sure you tell your customers all about them.

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• Do I know enough about this product to write new, interesting content about it every few weeks? This is the BIG question. If you’re passionate about Hickory Farms and you love their products, then you should feel confident that yes, you can write a new article about their product line every few weeks. If you agreed to participate in an affiliate program only because the commission was high and you don’t know thing one about the product you’re selling, you might want to rethink your choice.

While niche marketing may sound a bit odd on the surface, it really is the way to go. Making your site focused and concentrating your energy on a particular group will make it seem more legitimate and you can count on better business in no time flat

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Is affiliate marketing MLM?

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Affiliate marketing works so well and seems to genuinely benefit both the website that is advertising as well as the website that is hosting, people tend to look for problems that just don’t exist. One of the “problems” that has dogged affiliate marketing for years is the idea that is is a multi-level marketing scheme.

What is multi-level marketing? It’s much better known as a pyramid scheme. In most traditional cases, pyramid schemes are illegal. They work by constantly signing up new people to sell a product that doesn’t actually exist. The people at the top of the pyramid make money be collecting a commission off of all the sales that happen below them in the pyramid structure.

In recent years, pyramid schemes have tried to gain a bit of respectability by offering legitimate products like phone cards that made the whole operation legal. But, in essence, pyramid schemes are still tainted by the perception that they are inherently dishonest and, unless you start a pyramid scheme and are at the top of the pyramid, you’re earning money for someone else.

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Affiliate marketing is, in no conceivable way, multi-level marketing. In most cases, a site that wants to advertise pays another site to direct traffic to them. There are multi-level affiliate marketing set ups that have one site direct traffic to another site and then that site directs people to the site that pays both previous sites, but even in this case, the customer isn’t tricked or misled and there isn’t any sort of financial transaction that takes place, either. Multi-tiered affiliate marketing is simply another way for web pages to create traffic and revenue.

The way earnings work for multi-level affiliate marketing is different than a pyramid scheme, as well. Is it true that in the end, the site that is being linked to makes the most money? Sure, but that’s because they are the ones offering the product or service. The other sites are simply steering customers to them. With multi level affiliate marketing, everyone makes money and assuming a legitimate good or service is being sold at the end of the path, the consumer ends up happy, too.

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It can be a little confusing for those new to Multi level affiliate marketing to tell the difference between it and a pyramid scheme. But rest assured the two have very little in common, most importantly the fact that almost all pyramid schemes are illegal while multi level affiliate marketing is quite legal and a very effective tool in Internet advertising,

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Monday, December 10, 2007

How to write articles to boost sales

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You’ve been checking out this series of articles, you’ve seen how important it is for any serious affiliate marketer to have good web content. Good content can mean the difference between someone clicking onto your site and clicking away a moment later and someone staying for a while and then clicking through to buy the product or service you’re trying to sell. But what if you just aren’t a very good writer? What if your mind is programmed for business, not English. Don’t worry, there are options for you.

• Search the public domain. There are millions of articles that are currently in the public domain that you can use on your web site free of charge. A simple web search can bring up hundreds of these kinds of articles. And the best part is you can edit them, change them, alter them or do whatever you want to them so that they sound exactly like you want them to. You don’t have to worry about paying any authors or stepping on any toes. This is an excellent way to go if you don’t want to write content yourself.

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• You can pay companies to write content for you, and in most cases, it’s cheaper than you think. When you consider how important good web content is, paying someone a few dollars to write exactly what you need isn’t such a bad idea. Of course, some companies charge more than others and it always pays to shop around, but don’t shut yourself off to the idea of paying for content. Sometimes you have to spend money to make money and this is one of those cases if you don’t want to write your own web content.

• Maybe the best choice of the three is to simply read and learn. Spend a week or two clicking around on the Internet and reading the web content on other affiliate websites. Take as much of that content in and then try to write in a similar style about the product you’re trying to sell. You don’t instantly become the best writer in the world this way, but studies have shown that the more you read, the better writer you’ll be. Experience pays and the more you know about how to write in this style, the easier it will be.

Having solid web content can’t be overstated. You will never have a truly successful affiliate marketing website unless you have good content. If you can’t write it yourself, you do have other options, but the best thing you can do is to learn how to write in this style. It will be an investment that will pay off time and time again

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Get your Affiliate Site ready for the holidays

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affiliate marketing sites, the holidays are a dream come true. Some affiliate sites see their traffic double or even triple as millions of shoppers from around the world bypass the mall for the convenience and fun of online shopping. Most people would agree that if they had a choice between navigating snowy roads, finding a parking space and then battling crowds only to stand in a checkout line for 30 minutes or staying at home in their pajamas with a hot cup of coffee and doing their shopping that way, they would choose the latter.

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So, how can you make sure that your affiliate marketing site is ready for the holiday shopping season? Let’s take a quick look at a few things you can do to spruce up your site and get it ready for that special time of the year.

• First off, if you don’t have your site all spruced up by the Monday after Thanksgiving, don’t worry about it. Evidence shows that “Cyber Monday” isn’t really the sole busiest shopping day of the year, but it’s more spread out between that date and the 15th. You can still revamp things and capitalize on the Christmas shopping season.

• Make sure you have a handle on the cut off dates for shipping. No matter what product you link to, they should have clearly posted dates for shipping, both domestic and internationally, for Christmas. Make sure you post those dates on your site, too, so that no one ends up disappointed on Christmas morning.

• If you deal with a major online superstore like Amazon, remember, you don’t always have to sell books or CDs. Some sites offer big rewards to affiliate marketers for gift cards, and since they are a smaller item to ship, they usually have later deadlines then gifts so people can order then after the cut off deadlines and still get them by Christmas.

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• Try and concentrate on specialty niches. While it may be tempting to get into an affiliate marketing program with Sears or Wal-Mart, most people have these stores near them. If you with someone like The Sharper Image or L.L. Bean, you’re dealing with very high-end product that is unique. You’ll make more money and you’ll find that you’ll do better business on your site.

The holidays come only once per year and the chance to capitalize on it is brief. But if you tune up your affiliate marketing site in time, you’ll be full of extra cash as well as holiday cheer this season

Friday, December 7, 2007

Creating multiple streams of income

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One of the great things about affiliate marketing is the idea that you can subscribe to as many different affiliate programs as you can manage, all at the same time. We’ve talked in depth in previous articles about how important it is to have some focus on your website so that you can appeal to customers instead of appearing like a hodgepodge of links. It’s a fine line to walk between having multiple streams of income and having too many programs. Let’s take a look at the right way to handle this problem.

• Make sure your streams relate to each other. This is a tip worth a thousand bucks, alone. Think about it for a moment. Yes, you want to have more than one program on your website at once, but you don’t want 10 or 15 because it’s too much to manage. So, what’s the best way to go? Have 4-5 and make them all related to each other! Say your first program is through a company that sells pet supplies. You’ve written some stellar content on pets sine it’s a passion of yours, but you want more than one stream of income. How about a program through a gourmet pet food distributor? You can SHARE CONTENT then, since you already have great content written about pets to begin with. Want more? Find a company that sells pet treats from around the world. Or maybe one that specializes in pet medications through the mail. The choices are endless and by relating all of your companies, you won’t have to write separate content for each program. You’ll save time and make money!

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• Have fun with your content. Let’s say you find an affiliate marketing program that you just have to add to your site, but it’s about a topic you don’t know much about. Don’t worry! You can still write interesting and informative content, even if it’s about a product you’re not an expert on. Try a list. Just flip through the TV listings this week and take a look at all the list shows on right now. People love lists. You can make a quickie top-10 list style article and relate it to your new affiliate program. This will allow you to diversify your business and add extra streams of income at the same time. You don’t want your site to be entirely lists, but one out of three or four is fine and it makes your site appear more fun!

Creating multiple steams of income is pretty easy when you look at it. Group your products under the same umbrella to save time or add a program that you can make funny and informative lists on. Your site will benefit and you’ll have happy customers to boot

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Choosing a “niche market”

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You’re considering opening your own affiliate marketing website, you have to pick a product to sell. In previous articles, we’ve talked about how important it is to pick a product you know a lot about since you’re responsible for writing articles that try to get people to buy your product.

But there is more to it then just writing snappy articles and providing a link at the bottom of the page. Knowing how to market your articles will go a long way in determining if your site is a success or a failure.

In the process of picking out a product, don’t be afraid to go “niche.” What that means, essentially, is don’t worry about picking an item that may only appeal to a small number of people. If you pick something like televisions or books, people can go down to their local Best Buy or Barnes and Noble and get those items. If you deal with a company that most people don’t have in their towns like L.L. Bean or Tower Records, people will be more likely to shop with your affiliate site because of the prestige of those companies. People can get a pair of boots or a CD anywhere, but getting those items from those stores is extra special.

Make sure your content relates to the demographic your after. If you’re selling life insurance, you probably want to have content that is going to connect with older folks, not the skateboarding crowd. And this advice goes the other way, too. If you’re selling skateboards, make sure your content is going to appeal to that generation. You wouldn’t want your content to read like an ad for life insurance. Of course, there are some products, like books and CDs, that cross generations, but you can still write your content so it aims at a particular audience. This is the other side of “niche marketing;” making sure that your content is written for exactly the people you want to buy from you.

Niche marketing can be a hard skill to master. Most people want to create a broad affiliate marketing site that doesn’t have a lot of focus so that it appeals to the most people. While this is tempting, you can be left with a site that appeals to no one at all. By zeroing in on the group most likely to buy the product you sell on your site, you can lock yourself into a niche market and, chances are, your sales will explode

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Avoiding affiliate scams

Walking that tightrope between spending money and making money on your affiliate website can be tough. Paying to advertise your affiliate website is a great idea, but only if you’re making more money then you’re spending, and that isn’t always as easy said then done. How can you make sure that you won’t end up in the red? Here are a few helpful tips.

• Have realistic expectations. While it is possible to earn a boatload of money by setting up affiliate marketing websites, don’t expect to be bringing in $10,000 a month right off the bat. Every product sells in a different way, and finding that perfect niche takes time. Also, experience is very important in the world of affiliate marketing and the more you have, the better you’ll do. Be patient, stick with it and you’ll see your profits rise with your experience level.

• Know how to advertise. Google has an affordable and easy way to advertise through their Adwords program. You’ve seen these ads on Google, they are usually at the very top and on the right hand side of every single search that is done. Google performs hundreds of thousands of web searches every second, so the chances of a search that would trigger your set of key words is pretty high. Just remember that for each time your ad appears, Google will charge you a fee. Make sure you’re getting the most value out of each sale because, otherwise, Google is making money off you instead of you making money off of your customers.

• Make sure your affiliate partner is trustworthy. If you’re just starting out in the world of affiliate marketing, it might be a good idea to stick with the big boys like Amazon or Citibank until you learn the ropes. There are less trustworthy sites out there that are looking to have affiliate marketing done that might not deal with you in a completely honest manor. Until you learn the ropes of affiliate marketing, it might be wise to go with a major corporation that you know will pay out and treat you with respect. You don’t want your first marketing effort to be a bad one.

Unfortunately, since affiliate marketing has become so profitable in recent years, there are companies out there that will try to scam you. If you’re an experienced affiliate marketer, you know most of the tricks of the trade, but if you are new to the game, stick with familiar companies until you figure out the best advertising cost/revenue balance.

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